What is Upward Bound?
Upward Bound is an exciting educational opportunity for students who have the potential to continue their education beyond high school. It is a year-round program which provides academic advisement, counseling, and leadership opportunities throughout high school and into college. The program has been serving high school students in Clinton, Essex and Franklin counties since 1966 and successfully encourages them to attend and complete their education beyond high school.
Eligible students are from modest income households and/or whose parents are not four-year college graduates. This federal TRIO program is completely funded by the U.S. Department of Education with no cost to the student or family.
The Academic Year
During the school year you will meet weekly/bi-weekly with your Upward Bound Counselor to provide you with academic advisement, as well as assistance with the college application process once the time comes. Throughout the school year you will have the opportunity to visit college campuses, participate in workshops, participate in community volunteerism, and engage in leadership and cultural activities.
Visiting college campuses gives you a chance to consider a variety of educational opportunities;
Workshops are designed to educate you in a variety of pre-college topics;
Community volunteerism allows you to develop lifelong skills to help others;
Leadership and cultural activities strengthen your preparation for college.
The Summer Program
You will have the opportunity to participate in a six-week program on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus. This college-like experience will allow you to meet new people and grow both personally and academically while still in high school. You will:
Have the chance to choose from over 40 class offerings;
Participate in weekly activities such as social events, sports, field trips, seminars, concerts and plays;
Participate in an extended trip to an exciting destination within the Northeast;
Live in a residence hall.
By giving you a chance to explore your academic talent in a creative educational setting, you can better evaluate your strengths, career interests and college preferences. Residing in a college dorm with other students gives you the skills to better prepare you for college life.